Sunday, August 26, 2012

Tickell's Blue Flycatcher

One of the several species of flycatchers, the Tickell’s Blue Flycatcher is a blue and white bird, of the size of common sparrow.

It is fairly common throughout this region in lightly forested areas and can be spotted in shady, isolated thickets. It is identified by its blue head, upper body and wing portions, with rusty-brown throat and white abdomen parts. Sexes are similar, but the female is duller with lightly colored throat. 

Photograph location: Mumbra Hill

One of the locations to spot the flycatcher is the forest along the foothills of Mumbra, which is a good place to visit during the monsoon months. There are a large variety of birds one can spot and the view of the Kalwa creek from atop is great.

Tickell’s Blue Flycatcher
Alternate name(s)
Not known
Common sparrow
Lightly forested areas, prefers wooded foothills
Fairly common
Distinct features
Deep blue head, upper body and wing parts; rusty-brown throat and white abdomen.
Alike, but female much duller in comparison

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