Sunday, January 6, 2013


Several species of doves are common in India. Of these, the Ring Dove, Red Collared-Dove, Little Brown Dove and the most common, Spotted Dove, share general characteristics. They are more or less of the size of common rock pigeon and frequent dry regions near cultivated land, in flocks of two or more. Often, birds of these species can be spotted together in open land, especially on babool (acacia) trees. Their calls can sound similar to a lay person, coo-coo-coooo.., but there are quite distinct variations in tone which can easily be recognized through experience.

The Ring Dove is pale gray in appearance, with a black collar on its neck.  Its tail is dark brown and lower parts of its wings have a bluish tint. Sexes are alike.
Alternate name: Eurasian Collared Dove.
Note the dove's throat bulging outwards when makes its typical call

Red Collared-Dove has distinctive light blue head parts, with rust-brown body and dark-brown tail, tinged with white feathers. The female is much duller in comparison and resembles the Ring Dove. Quite uncommon and not easily spotted.

Laughing Dove

Location: Nannaj

Also refer post on Laughing Dove and Spotted Dove.

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