Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pariah Kite

The Pariah Kite is a large brown bird, with streaks of white all over the body, black patches across its wings and a sharp, hooked beak. 
Very common throughout the country, it is usually spotted in large numbers near municipal garbage dumps and in the vicinity of abattoirs, feeding on discarded waste, rodents, small birds and lizards. It has exceptional skills in flying, swooping down to pick up discarded food or waste with its strong talons and easily evading pursuit by noisy crows. 
Photo courtesy: Upendra Chandratreya

It is one of the few birds (and the only raptor) which has adapted extremely well to human habitation, others being the common crow, house sparrow and mynah.

Its presence can be identified by its shrill and high pitched call. In flight, it has a distinct angular wing silhouette and forked tail.
Best place to spot:
In the evening, along Saket road near police grounds and near Thane jail.
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