Saturday, August 2, 2014

Sarus Crane

It is always a pleasure when you spot birds which you have only heard about or seen in pictures in close proximity, especially birds like the Sarus Crane.
Physical features 
Sarus Cranes are tall, reaching upto 1.6M in height, the females identical to males but slightly smaller. They are slender and stately in appearance with overall greyish-white plumage, thin red legs and red upper neck and head, sporting a white crown. Its tail is whiter than the rest of body.
Viewed from a distance, the white spot behind the eyes often is mistaken for its eyes.

Habitat and food 
Sarus cranes move around in pairs, very often with juveniles, and are seen in open cultivated fields and grasslands adjoining water bodies. They feed on insects, berries, seeds grains, small reptiles and frogs abound in the wet grasslands. They are familiar with human presence in cultivated fields and can be closely approached without being alarmed.

These are non-migratory resident birds, widely distributed in northern and central India. They usually nest in isolated wet and marshy areas to avoid predators.

Photograph location: Near Sanand, Gujarat (en route to Nal Sarovar)
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