Sunday, July 1, 2012

Monsoon without rain

It is been about a month since the first spells of rain covered this region. The continued dry spell in the weather is certainly cause for alarm, as we are almost entirely dependent on the rains for our water requirements. The levels of water in the lakes is disturbingly low and a 10% water cut has been initiated from July 01. The authorities also mentioned that the situation is being monitored and if the rains continue to keep away, additional water cuts may be imposed.

For many of us used to 24-hour water supply, reduced water supply - may be once every two days - is unimaginable. Many years of normal rainfall and adequate water in the lakes has lead to a false sense of complacency that nature takes care of everything and everyone, no matter how we (ill) treat it. There have been no efforts by the authorities to efficiently harvest water in the bountiful years and to have a contingency plan during periods of drought. Hope the government comes up with a long-term plan for tackling this issue.

However, what can immediately be done? I share my thoughts of some measures that I feel, ought to be taken. 

Individual water meters
The government should use this opportunity to compulsorily install individual water meters in all homes. This will take care of the immediate situation of utter wastage by some of our knuckle-headed compatriots, who care a damn for environment and frivolously waste water. The moment they need to pay for all that wastage, realization of water conservation will automatically kick in. The logic is simple, you pay for as much as you use, as for electricity.
I understand that something on these lines is being considered in Pune.

Rainwater harvesting:
When the quantity of potable water used for flushing in WCs is taken into consideration, it dawns on you that this water is literally wasted down the drain. Local government bodies and municipal corporations should make it mandatory for all large housing societies to create rainwater harvesting facilities and use this water for WCs.

The role of forests in inducing the clouds to precipitate rain is underestimated. Large tracts of forests and mangroves in Thane, Gorai and Navi Mumbai are being destroyed under the garb of development, while the wily builders and unscrupulous politicians are raking it in millions. The proposed Mangrove Cell of the forest department needs to be set-up on a war footing. Afforestation and greening of barren lands needs to be done on a massive scale, which is beyond the capacity of small, dedicated team of NGOs like Thane based Haryali.  The government should consider extending support to NGOs in their afforestation efforts.

Every trekker is, in his/her heart an environmentalist, and can be expected to do the best for the environment. All trekking groups should be consulted and enrolled by the environment ministry in this endeavour. Each group shall be given about 100 seeds of local plants, endemic to the region. During the course of the treks in the monsoon, the seeds can be suitably dispersed. According to a study conducted during an aerial seeding exercise a few years ago, the seeds had a survival rate of 1%. Accordingly, one can expect a similar, or even better, survival rate during seeding by trekkers.

Artificial rainfall
The technology for artificial rain induction is available for a long time, with proven positive results. The government should seriously consider inducing rainfall by artificial seeding of rain-bearing clouds. May be we should consult the Chinese for their expertise, or call upon our own rain-man, Shantilal Mackoni of Mackoni Enterprises, but it should be done right now, rather waiting until August to initiate efforts.

Solar & wind energy:
India is blessed with bright sunshine for about 8 months in a year. Efforts should be made to reduce our dependency on hydro-power/ thermal-power / gas-power, with greater emphasis on sustainable sources like solar and wind energy, although, on a grid-scale it would require large investments and is not feasible. However, on the home-scale, making the best use of available energy appliances for even 1 or 2 hours in a day, will reduce grid loads and contribute towards a better environment.
You may wish include any other measures that can save our environment. Please let me know.
Ultimately, one can only hope that conservation efforts take root in India and we start respecting nature.  Nature gives back what it gets.

1 comment:

  1. It is all good advice. We need to take care of Mother Nature if we expect her to take care of us.

    Great post.


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